Slimming — difficult for many and the task. The main thing that remains the man for the reduction of weight is to reduce calorie intake, rich in fiber and protein, and to maximize speed up the metabolism. In this regard, the drinks slimming play a role no less important, of the year and main dishes. For their preparation are used in common at first glance the products in a variety of combinations, allowing tears to the card and accelerate weight loss.
Drinks slimming

In the composition of beverages slimming products are products that affect the metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. The basis of their may be water, dairy products, vegetables and fruit, fruit juice, green tea. As supplements act fruits, berries, and vegetables, the spices and the honey, vinegar, and sports supplements (protein, for example), grains, seeds and much more. Here are the recipes of the most popular drinks for weight loss at home.
Water Sassi
Uses of water:
- 2 liters of water;
- the root of ginger the size of your thumb;
- large cucumber without the skin;
- the leaves of the peppermint on request.
In a glass bowl mixed the mashed potatoes in the dough, ginger root and water, and then fall away slightly mashed mint leaves and onions in thin cups of cucumber. Insist not less than 10 hours in the freshness. Drink water recommend a few days before the beginning of the plan instead of the normal water. By day, you should drink at least 2 litres of drink.
The cinnamon with the honey — house of the drink slimming
Honey is considered a good remedy for excretion of excess water, while the cinnamon speeds up digestion and stimulates peristalsis. Together, they derive from the intestine of waste and toxins, revitalizes the body, stimulates the metabolic processes and visibly reduce the appetite.
For the cooking portion of the drink you will need:
- 200 ml of hot water;
- cinnamon stick (or a teaspoon of powder);
- 1 tablespoon of honey;
- the lemon at will.
In warm water a drop of cinnamon and insist in a thermos for at least 30 minutes. The base of the drink has cooled, add the honey. A drink fragrant in the morning on an empty stomach and a little before the dinner.
Drink slimming grapefruit and sea buckthorn
The components of this drink, speed up the metabolism and the metabolism at the cellular level, significantly increase the energy consumption of the body, and thus stimulate splitting fat.
For the preparation of this drink will need:
- 1 liter of water;
- a small piece of ginger root;
- half of a large grapefruit;
- 100 ml of syrup of buckthorn, or 100 g of fruit puree;
- the honey will.
In the water to dissolve the syrup of buckthorn, or berry-juice, mashed ginger, mix well. During this time grapefruit, cut into small cubes and immersed in a future drink. Insist at least one hour in the refrigerator. Drink with ice cubes small meals throughout the day.
Herbal slimming
The tea plants that you can prepare different recipes according to the objectives. For example, to reduce the appetite with the drink it is necessary to add the roots of marshmallow, the herb st. john's wort or spirulina. Normalize the need of nutrients will help you to the cranberry, heather and sea buckthorn. Get rid of excess fluids and reduce the volumes of help the roots of dandelion and ginger, senna, anise seeds, lime and cranberry leaf. Accelerate the slimming will help you to the turmeric, the leaves of green tea, sea kelp, and pineapple. For the taste, you can add the black currant leaf, thyme, mint.
For the preparation of slimming tea in need of porcelain or ceramic kettle, approximately 500 ml of water and the herbal mixture. The variations can be very different:
- senna, the leaves of sea buckthorn, marshmallow root, lime and kelp in equal parts — 500 ml of water need 2 tablespoons of mixture;
- the leaves of the cowberry, the herb, st. john's wort, chamomile, rosehip, dried, stevia — 500 ml of water take 2 tablespoons of mixture;
- ginger, anise, black fruit of the high bush and rosehip, marshmallow root, turmeric — 500 ml of water take 1 tablespoon of the mixture.
Insist to herbal tea in an airtight container for about 10 minutes. Drink it hot or cold between meals.
The green tea slimming
The tea leaves have a diuretic action and accelerate the metabolism. Entering into their composition polyphenolic connection strengthen the exchange of energy and contribute to the bursting of fat. In addition, drinking a little before the food, the drink decreases the appetite.
To lose weight with the green tea is more effective in the use in the following cases:
- fees with the addition of lemon and ginger;
- hot with milk (fat content does not exceed 0.5%);
- hot with the lemon juice.
Those who are losing weight with the green tea, do not want to take alcohol, but foods high in fiber to reinforce the positive action of drinking on the body.
Bread of the lemonade for weight loss

Entering in the composition of the beverage ingredients improve digestion, normalize metabolism, tones and stimulates the functioning. This lemonade actively displays of fluid in the tissues, helping to reduce the weight. For baking, there should be:
- 3 large lemon;
- 50 g of ginger root;
- 5 c. l. honey;
- 3 liters of water.
Squeeze the juice of the lemons, and ginger root is transformed into a puree using the small grater. In the mixture, and pour in 2 cups of water and put the future of the lemonade on a low heat. After boiling survive on a low heat for about 20 minutes, and then cooled, add the remaining water and the honey. Drink this lemonade is recommended in a period between meals.
Of water with lemon juice and honey
This drink is used for the excretion of toxins, cleansing the colon. When receiving a little bit of time before meals decreases appetite, which helps to reduce the size of the portions. For this reason, and allows for a effect slimming.
For the preparation of the water it is necessary to take a cup of water, a lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Squeeze the lemon juice and diluted with water. Add the honey and mix well. Drink preferably on an empty stomach.
Home of the drink slimming apple cider vinegar
Entering in the composition of the cider vinegar, organic acids reduce the cravings of sugar and regulate appetite. Entering in the composition of the vinegar nutrients help break down carbohydrates, normalize intestinal microflora, improve the tone of the body and increase endurance.
The drink, you need to prepare natural, apple cider vinegar, dissolved in water (a glass of liquid not take more than a tablespoon of vinegar). A drink slimming recommended the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and dinner, as well as 60 to 90 minutes after them.
Kefir slimming spice
The components of this drink are acting in several directions. Kefir normalizes microflora and activates the peristalsis of the intestine, provides the body a lot of protein. Spices (perhaps it is the cinnamon, pepper or ginger), activate the metabolism, reduce appetite, prevent fat deposits in the tissues. To make a cocktail super models (also called glass of yogurt and spices for weight loss), in a glass of fermented milk product, just add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, a little grated ginger and a pinch of paprika. Drink a cocktail after the meal (30-45 minutes) once per day.
Smoothies slimming
In the composition of cocktails slimming useful to include fibers (wheat bran, whole grain cereals, vegetables, herbs and fruit, milk and/or mineral water, milk drinks, protein. Generally, these beverages are obtained quite thick and nourishing, thanks to what they can replace a meal. The recipes can be various:
- 100 g of pineapple and kiwi fruit are mixed in a blender with 100 ml of buttermilk;
- in 4-5 pieces of dried apricots and prunes, a tablespoon of semolina and a pinch of cinnamon can boost with 150 ml of yogurt;
- pour into a mixer 170 ml milk, 60 ml plain yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of flax seeds and 50 g of strawberries;
- the beet, the carrot and the celery stalk grind to a state of mashed potatoes, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and 150 ml of yogurt, whisk until smooth;
- 130 g white cheese, 150 ml milk, a bit of persil and celery smoothie in a blender, add the taste of spices and garlic.
Listed cocktails create a feeling of satiety, boost metabolism, fat absorption, cleanse the intestines. They help to restore the intestinal microflora and responds to the needs of the organism in nutrients, but have a minimum of calories.
The conditions without which cocktails and drinks diet are useless
Despite the effectiveness and the health benefits for the body, listed beverages diet may not work. The more often this happens to people who making weight loss more, who have counted on, that can lose weight only with the help of cocktails. Meanwhile, without complying with the diet, physical activity, weight is unlikely to pass in the lower part.
The main task of beverages for fat loss is to speed up the metabolism and fill the need for nutrients without an improvement in overall caloric intake. If you continue to eat the old regime, the drinks will be playing the role of a secondary provider of calories. The same thing will happen in the absence of normal physical activity. This is why the fight against excess weight should go "on all fronts", and the drinks slimming are going to exercise, and not the main function.
The use of beverage slimming
In the fact that beverages to reduce weight, do not doubt gastroenterologists and nutritionists. First of all, they are composed of natural products and fresh products, which are a source of essential elements and dietary fibre. Secondly, they almost do not contain calories and fat and carbs.

In addition to the standardization of the digestion of cocktails home diet have a number of useful properties:
- strengthen immunity;
- to prevent the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- bringing the body actively metabolizing the fat from the body;
- normalize the composition of the blood;
- improve the function of nervous system, urinary, genital and other systems.
In any use of drinks and cocktails for weight loss it must be remembered that they can cause allergies. If an intolerance to certain foods, their value to exclude it from the recipe.